Watercolor by Amber D'Amato It was fun to draw and paint my friend, Susannah. This was a stream of consciousness piece. I had absolutely no clue what I wanted to do with the background. I am happy with the drippy results, shimmery watercolor rain. Please check out Susannah websites: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChainsAndPurls?pnref=story Instagram: http://instagram.com/chainsandpurlsgal/ Buy her gorgeous knits on Etsy: https://www.facebook.com/ChainsAndPurls?pnref=story Chain & Purls Gal Emerald Scarf Check out this emerald green scarf that the lovely Susannah of Chains & Purls Gal sent me! Above are links to like her Facebook page, Instagram and explore more of her beautiful pieces on Etsy.
Art. Art Supplies. Random Thoughts.