I do not know who created this, but it made me laugh. C ommissions are difficult and even more difficult with friends and acquaintances. With art commissions you are supposed to take half the payment before you start and the other half upon delivery. But with friends you want to make them happy, rules get blurred, and I have said and done things that put me at a disadvantage. Here is a list of positive and negative moments I experienced. Commission 1 Finished. Paid. I was asked to draw or paint a positive and strong portrait of a friendly acquaintance. I felt honored. But I was in a vulnerable phase with my art and it took me about 4 months to finish. Plus she said to search through her Facebook photos and pick one that I like best. The unfortunate thing about that is that Facebook photos are usually bad quality. At the end of it all, I had created a 16x20 acrylic canvas portrait that looks awful and had to tuck away for another day. I also created a 9x12 acrylic paintin...
Art. Art Supplies. Random Thoughts.