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Showing posts from July, 2016

Timelapse Drawing of an Eye

Sketchbook Studies


Drawing on Cardboard

Graceful Cyclops

Graceful Cyclops Cyclops or just lazy? At least I am drawing. ;-)

When motivation wanes...

Pastel & Graphite Drawing I have a crazy amount of public and private Pinterest boards of inspiration. I have a beautiful plethora of art supplies, I don't have everything I want, but I have the basics. Sometimes despite that I don't make art. Why?!?! I don't know. Some weeks go by and I have made nothing. This bums me out. Like I said, I have inspiration, the issue is choosing what to create.  I ask myself: 1. Do I want to paint in watercolor or acrylics?  2. DO I want to draw on cardboard, sketchbook, or beautiful toned paper?  3. If that doesn't give me the push then I flip through Pinterest boards, YouTube videos, and visit my favorite artist's social media pages. 4. Go to an art gallery or museum 5. Walk through an art store 6. Visit the art section of a book store 7. Flip through my collection of art books If those 7 steps don't work, I just let it be and view the creative pause moments as having my antenna out and collecting...