That's right, I have all the answers to your excuses about your art skills! Keith Haring "I can only draw stick figures." Keith Haring's art work is in many museums. Claim that your stick figures carry a deeper meaning and you can call it art. Jens Haaning "I can't draw anything." The Danish "artist," Jens Haaning, can't draw anything either. You're in good company. Check out this article: Take the Money & Run! Picasso "I draw like a child." There is a museum dedicated to Picasso in Barcelona, Spain. Jackson Pollack "I'm too messy. I can't make anything look good." Pollack's art is in museums. Your point is invalid. Domenic Murphy "My art is shit." I like to call this piece, Pootin. This stinker made art with his dog's feces. He made it to raise money for the people of the Ukraine. 🖤 In the past Picasso used his daughter's to make a piece of "art." This medium is amusi...
Art. Art Supplies. Random Thoughts.